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                   During Camp Meeting, we ask that you help us by

                    cooperating with the following. Taken from Regulations effective

                           April, 1932 except those marked* which are effective October, 1979.


  1.              1.  All persons staying overnight on the grounds must                         register---in and out.

  2.              2.  *No garbage or other refuse shall be deposited on                       the grounds. Receptacles shall be provided for the                       same and we solicit the cooperation of all persons in                   keeping the grounds sanitary.

  3. General decorum, such as is becoming a house of worship must be observed.

  4. Smoking and possessing, drinking or offering any alcoholic liquors on the grounds or in cottages, tents, or campers is prohibited.

  5. Dogs or cats shall be permitted on the grounds on leash. Owners must clean up after them.

  6. No firearms or air rifles are permitted on the grounds or in cottages at any time.

  7. At the ringing of the curfew bell, quiet will be required on the grounds, in cottages, tents, rooms or campers.

  8. The Camp Management has the authority to enforce these rules. Anyone who defiantly, deliberately, and persistently violates these regulations shall be required to vacate camp facilities and dispose of his property according to the requirements stated above.


Camp Meeting Guidelines

Basic Information for the week:



The bell is used to announce

scheduled events such as meals,

services, meetings, practices, etc.

 This has been a long-standing

tradition. (Pictured here is our

long-time bell ringer, Steve Lewis.)



Three meals a day are provided

on a free-will offering basis.



Usually you will find someone in the Kitchen or the Candy Stand who can answer questions and assist in anyway.



When you turn onto the camp grounds from Route 219 the numbering begins with the first cabin on your left and continues around in a semi-circular manner.



Child care is provided for evening services in the Children’s Building. This facility is available for use during any service.

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